About Me

Hello there! My name is Andini Anissa, and I'm a passionate and dedicated professional with a passion for coding and cloud-native technology. I'm currently a VP at Sivali Cloud Technology focused on research and development, exploring new ideas and creating innovative solutions to solve problems faced by enterprises.

I acquired the fundamentals of Computer Science and Web Programming through CS50x and CS50Ai. Additionally, I obtained certification as a "Certified Kubernetes Administrator" from the Linux Foundation. I am comfortable building and managing Kubernetes clusters on-premise.

In my previous life, I worked in various companies in Indonesia and co-founded a small media company with my former colleagues. Along the way, I made many mistakes and learned a lot of things. Those mistakes have grown me up and made me a better person each day.

In the end, I love what I do, and I've met a lot of great people from whom I've learned. They have led me to where I am now.


Certified Kubernetes Administrator
Data Center Health and Safety